
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)

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Title Author Supervisor Issue Date Degree arrow_drop_up
O Ouvidor Arriaga : algumas achegas sobre o homem e a epoca
Sousa, Acacio Fernando de, Matos, Artur Teodoro de 1991. Master
Aspectos lexicais na obra de autores Macaenses
Gaiao, Raul Leal 2000. Master
Secondary school English teachers’ experience of online teaching during the COVID-19 pandemic : A TPCK perspective
Lu, Yi Lin Yuan, Rui Master
論靳以短篇小說的浪漫主義風格 = The romantic style on the short stories of Jin Yi
張明明 朱壽桐 2009. Master
未完成的書寫 : 後殖民語境下的澳門文化身份 = Unfinished narration : Macau cultural identity in postcolonial context
葉歸真 鄧駿捷 2009. Master
歐陽艷華 施議對 2007. Master
蘇青小說的倫理敘事研究 = The study of moral (ethical) narration in Sui Qing's novels
盧添好 龔剛 2009. Master
當代澳門民眾戲劇先行者 : 周樹利 = The forerunner of contemporary Macau community theatre : Chow Shui Lee
韋明月 李觀鼎 2009. Master
論道家精神在余華小說中的顯現 : 以"活著"為個案 = Taoism and contemporary Chinese author Yu Hua's fictions : based on the case of "To live"
李昂 龔剛 2009. Master
澳門粤曲曲藝的發展與李向榮研究 = A research on the development of Cantonese operatic songs in Macao and Li Xiang Rong
凌錦雄 譚美玲 2009. Master
Total Results: 10000

Showing 191 to 200 of 10000 results