
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)

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Title Author Supervisor Issue Date arrow_drop_up Degree
Public housing policy in Macao : an evaluative study
Lam, Heng Leng 1999. Master
Pluggable repository for Internet-based software engineering environment
Tou, Chi Pio Guo, Zhen Sheng 1999. Master
Prospects of Macau tourism development and strategies analysis
Lam, Wai Han 2000. Master
Project management control : a case study of the Macau Water Supply Company Limited (S.A.A.M.)
Kong, Chim Chan Nasol, Ramon Lino 2000. Master
Perspectiva psicolinguistica de estrategias de ensino/aprendizagem de uma lingua estrangeira
Martins, Custodio Cavaco 2000. Master
Position mobile phone market
Lu, Yun Ran 2000. Master
Proverbios em portugues e chines
Zhong, Yi 2000. Master
Particle dispersion in two-phase turbulent flows
Sin, Vai Kuong Sousa, Antonio C. M. 2000. Doctoral
Pneumatic products in China : a case study
Xu, Ning 2001. Master
Performance management in foreign investment enterprises and Chinese enterprises
Xiao, Jin Ming 2001. Master
Total Results: 392

Showing 11 to 20 of 392 results