
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)

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Title Author Supervisor Issue Date arrow_drop_up Degree
Macau no tempo de Bento Pereira de Faria, 2a metade do sec. XVII
Monteiro, Anabela Nunes 1998. Master
MBA in Macau and Hong Kong
Santos, Joao Francisco Serrao Correia Dos Antonio, Nelson Jose dos Santos 1998. Master
Macau patoa words in English : a preliminary study on Macau patoa as an intermediate or direct source of English loanwords
Cabreros, Peter Edward Millan Guthrie, William 1999. Master
Macau durante a II Guerra Mundial : sociedade, educacao física e desporto
Braga, Isabel Maria Peixoto, Venancio Jose Carlos 1999. Master
Market research on China's feminine napkin topsheet market and how should Tredegar decide its market strategy
Li, Joshua 2000. Master
Managing human resource development
Vong, Tze Ngai 2000. Master
Marketing for non-profit organizations : a case study of Macau Red Cross
So, Chou Ian 2001. Master
Miguel de arriaga : Paradigma da história de Macau
Lau, Fong Loureiro Rui Manuel 2001. Master
Marketing strategy of establishing a brand of cold & flu medicine in China OTC market
Kang, Li 2001. Master
Modeling e-government with UML
Tam, Wai Keong Li, Xiao Shan 2002. Master
Total Results: 349

Showing 21 to 30 of 349 results