
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)

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Title arrow_drop_up Author Supervisor Issue Date Degree
Service quality and its relationship with customer behavioral intentions in Macau electricity industry : case of CEM
Lao, Lai Lai Nasol, Ramon Lino 2004. Master
Service quality in CEM customers' expectations and perceptions about electricity distribution services
Nascimento, Antonio Francisco Rita 1995. Master
Service quality of construction consultants in Macau : a gap analysis of expectations and perceptions check Full Text
Ho, Chung Hing Cuervo, Javier Calero 2015. Master
Service recovery in airline industry
Lau, Nga Lok Chow, Siu Fung 2006. Master
Settlement of international investment disputes by arbitrationp: an analysis of the challenge of inconsistency in the outcomes of investment arbitrations between investors and states and the available remedies
Diakite, Ansoumane Douty Ramaswamy Muruga Perumal 2008. Master
Sex selection in China check Full Text
Bi, Fan Raposo, Vera Lúcia 2020. Master
Sexual assault in Sichuan Province, China : findings from 218 court sexual assault cases check Full Text
Chen, Shi Lu Kuo, Shih-Ya 2022. Master
Sexual orientation, mental health problems and sexualized drug use among college students in Macau check Full Text
Wang, Wen Yi Li, De 2021. Master
Sexual rights protection of women during armed conflicts and criminalization of forced marriage as a specific offense in crimes against humanity check Full Text
Wang, Qing Ya Ramaswamy Muruga Perumal 2015. Master
Sha Tau Kok villages : past, present and future
Cheung, Kwan Fong 1992. Master
Total Results: 456

Showing 81 to 90 of 456 results