
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)

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Title arrow_drop_up Author Supervisor Issue Date Degree
A comparability study between the joint admision examination and the earlier admission examination papers in Macao : a content analysis
Ho, Oi Kuan Kunnan, Antony John 2018. Master
A comparartive case study of environmental disclosure in the oil industries of China and the UK check Full Text
Zhang, Wen Ting 2018. Master
A comparative analysis of corporate social disclosure of two Macao gaming operators check Full Text
Wong, Im Na Noronha, Carlos 2020. Master
A comparative analysis of global environmental regime-climate change and stratospheric ozone depletion check Full Text
Huang, Heng Fei Song Weiqing 2015. Master
A comparative analysis of news frames on Diaoyu Islands dispute among three Chinese TV stations check Full Text
Zhao, Xiao Xi Chen, Huai Lin 2013. Master
A comparative case study of carbon reporting practices in the construction industries of China and Japan check Full Text
Ma, Li Noronha, Carlos 2017. Master
A comparative case study of college students' cognitive process of giving peer feedback in reading-to-write tasks and writing-only tasks
Xu, Lu Yi Yu, Shu Lin 2023. Master
A comparative case study of CSR in the video game industry of China and Japan : Tencent and Nintendo check Full Text
Sun, Rong Noronha, Carlos 2020. Master
A comparative cross-sectional study exploring the long-term effects of COVID- 19 on physical functionality and mental health among the elderly population
Li, Xue Ming 孔兆偉 2024. Master
A comparative experimental study of battery efficiency with different charge models and charge rates for rechargeable lithium-ion batteries check Full Text
Huang, Yu Hao Su, Yan 2020. Master
Total Results: 1253

Showing 51 to 60 of 1253 results