
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)

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Title Author arrow_drop_down Supervisor Issue Date Degree
Modeling and testing of a novel continuously variable transmission for heavy-duty vehicles check Full Text
Chan, Ka U Wong, Pak Kin 2012. Master
Macau banking industry : present structure and strategies for future development
Chan, Iat Meng Weinrich, John E. 1995. Master
Monte Carlo Methods and Multilevel Monte Carlo Methods for pricing European option check Full Text
Chan, Hong Kit Ding, Deng 2016. Master
MBA(CB) 000 (SAMPLE) Study of cargo business in the airport company : a case of Beijing Capital Airport Group Corporation
Cen, Lu Lian, Zhao Tong 2007. Master
Modelos de integracao e desenvolvimento politico-economico durante o ciclo de hegemonia Americano : o caso do territorio de Macau na evolucao das relacoes internacionais no espaco Asia-Pacifico
Celeiro, Rogerio Paulo Caiodo Raimundo Maltez, Jose Adelino 1996. Master
Municipal solid waste management industry and the role of waste-to-energy facilities in the private sector
Carvalho, Nuno Kol 1995. Master
Multimedia encryption using bit-plane decomposition technologies
Cao, Wei Jia Zhou, Yi Cong 2013. Master
Macau patoa words in English : a preliminary study on Macau patoa as an intermediate or direct source of English loanwords
Cabreros, Peter Edward Millan Guthrie, William 1999. Master
Macau durante a II Guerra Mundial : sociedade, educacao física e desporto
Braga, Isabel Maria Peixoto, Venancio Jose Carlos 1999. Master
Multi-level feature extraction and adaptive matching for copy-move forgery detection check Full Text
Bi, Xiu Li Pun, Chi Man 2017. Doctoral
Total Results: 349

Showing 331 to 340 of 349 results