
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)

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Title Author Supervisor Issue Date Degree arrow_drop_up
老有所養 : 包頭市城鎮養老保險政策研究
李玥娜 劉伯龍 2009. Master
Uma dinastia de empresarios : A familia Vicente Rosa em Macau no Seculo XVIII
Araujo, Dalila Carmen de Sousa Alves, Jorge Manuel dos Santos 2009. Master
Estudo das estrategias e metodos de traducao de Sete estrelas : antologia de prosas femininas
Cheang, Orquidea Gil 姚京明 2009. Master
Estudo da traducao portugues-chines/chines-portugues das Convencoes Internacionais dos Direitos Humanos aplicaveis a Regiao Administrativa Especial de Macau
Lu, Chi Seng Alves Ana Cristina 2009. Master
A traducao literal como instrumento de mudanca : o tradutor Lu Xun
Zhang, Ye Baxter, Alan Norman 2009. Master
Cheong-Sam e as sua versoes Chinesas : uma analise de questoes culturais
Gomes, Anabela Maria 姚京明 2009. Master
Research on the political economy of RMB exchange rate : the case of the EU-China dispute
Zhu, Hong Yu 2009. Master
A study of research trends in international public relations
Leong, Rosa Li, Ying 2009. Master
EU eastern enlargement : impact on domestic institutional change : the Bulgarian anti-corruption policy case
Cai, Shuang 2008. Master
EU-China trade and investment relations : challenges and opportunities
Sun, Lai Man 2008. Master
Total Results: 10000

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