
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)

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Title Author Supervisor Issue Date arrow_drop_down Degree
卡夫卡和魯迅比較研究 = A comparative study on Kafka and Luxun
楊海一 李觀鼎 2005. Master
A study on service quality and customer loyalty in public bus service industry in Macau
Lei, Pui Man Mac, Vai Iun 2005. Master
An examination of emoticons, acronyms and literacy practices of synchronous computer-mediated communication of youngsters in Macau
Vu, Hoi Yan Simpson, Timothy Alan 2005 Master
羅愛容 張國祥 2005. Master
Wang, Jing Jing 蕭揚輝 2005. Master
鄭錦耀 趙國強 2005. Master
容凱旋 余永逸 2005. Master
論澳門公共服務之優化 : 一站式服務的探討與優化建議
莫寶娟 林明基 2005. Master
澳門公務員聘用, 評核, 晋升及退休制度改革分析 : 附民政總署案例分析
劉如堅 蕭揚輝 2005. Master
Enmity and hegemony in the normative processes of international constitutionalism : the case of the international legal action against terrorism
Cunha, Ricardo Sousa da 2005. Master
Total Results: 10000

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