
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)

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Title Author Supervisor Issue Date arrow_drop_down Degree
論白居易詩歌與居士文化的關係 = The relationship between Bai Ju-yi's poetry and Buddhist culture
邵敏智 鄧國光 2005. Master
Quality dimensions in office software tools : a study in Chinese context
Liu, Yu Ling Wan, Guohua 2005. Master
Making of out-group stereotype : images of migrant laborers in Chinese newspapers
Luo, Le Chen, Huai Lin 2005. Master
澳門美術教師對澳門藝術教育法推行的檢討 : 一群藝術工作者的看法
羅蔚群 謝建成 2005. Master
魏奇 謝建成 2005. Master
Emotional intelligence and decision-making styles in China
Lam, Cheok San Chan, Ka Wai 2005. Master
林樂祺 余永逸 2005. Master
周見靄 余永逸 2005. Master
中國國有企業股份制改革政策研究 : 以電信業為例
徐志剛 劉伯龍 2005. Master
花木蘭原型的叙事演變及其文化批評 = Culture criticism and narratice evolutionof Hua Mulan's archetype
陳宇 龔剛 2005. Master
Total Results: 10000

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