
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)

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Title Author Supervisor Issue Date arrow_drop_up Degree
Web visualization for performance evaluation of e-Government
Ho, Si Meng Fong, Chi Chiu 2011. Master
What influence attitudes and intentions to continue to use the department store co-branded credit cards in Mainland China : antecedents and gender differences
Zhao, Ying Ying Liu, Ting Chi 2011. Master
Wastewater treatment and reuse using A²O procesA2O process coupled with microfiltration
Lu, Qi Hong Shim, Hojae 2012. Master
Weituo : a protective deity in Chinese Buddhism and Buddhist art
Li, Xin Jie 朱天舒 2012. Master
World financial crisis and RMB Internationalization : a false or real historical opportunity?
Wang, Xiao Wei Wang Jianwei 2012. Master
Will China and Japan clash over territorial dispute? : a case study of Diaoyu/Senkaku islands
Jiang, Xiao Man Hao, Yufan 2013. Master
Why Macau people join and stay on in a MLM company and motivation of direct sales members : the study of Nu Skin check Full Text
Pun, Meng I 2013. Master
Wuthering Wukan : community communication and social drama in peasant's mass incidents in China check Full Text
Dang, Hao Simpson, Timothy Alan 2013. Master
Which law applies? : the choice-of-law problems in cross-border copyright cases check Full Text
Zhang, Cheng Run 涂廣建 2014. Master
Which one is your mother tongue? : a study of language ideologies and attitudes towards Cantonese and Putonghua (Mandarin) in Guangzhou, China check Full Text
Huo, Qian Ting Sandel, Todd L. 2014. Master
Total Results: 92

Showing 21 to 30 of 92 results