
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)

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Title Author Supervisor Issue Date arrow_drop_up Degree
Hardware accelerated Nios II implementation of Hilbert Huang Transform = 基於Nios II 軟核處理器的希爾伯特黃變換硬體加速實現 check Full Text
Wang, Lei Vai, Mang I 2010. Master
High order compact scheme and its applications in computational finance
Lee, Tsz Ho Sun, Hai Wei 2010. Master
How China media frame domestic and overseas corruption scandals : the comparison of media frames on scandals of "Two Chen"
Zhang, Yan Chen, Huai Lin 2010. Master
High-quality depth maps recovery from a video sequence check Full Text
Cai, Zhong Mou Wu, Enhua 2010. Master
Hybrid segmentation on slant & skewed deformation text in natural scene images check Full Text
Fei, Xiao Lei Dong, Ming Chui 2010. Master
Human rights policies of foreign capital companies of China
Cai, Ying Chen, Ding Ding 2011. Master
Herd behavior and location of trading : examination of Chinese A- and H- shares check Full Text
Wang, Yi Yi Lai, Neng 2011. Master
Hong Kong citizens' attitude toward hot spot policing
Zhang, Kai Li, De 2011. Master
How does nonfarm income affect inequality in rural China : evidence from provncial panel data check Full Text
Wang, Xin Yu Chen, Yu 2011. Master
Herding and trading volume check Full Text
Lan, Qing Qing Lai, Neng 2011. Master
Total Results: 176

Showing 31 to 40 of 176 results