
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)

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Title Author Supervisor Issue Date arrow_drop_up Degree
A correlational study on the self concept and employment status among physically disabled in Hong Kong
Tam, Sing Fai Wun, Kin Wah 1987. Master
A liberdade de utilizacao das orbitas terrestres, em particular da orbita geoestacionaria por satelites de telecomunicacoes
Ferreira, Pedro Fernando Loureiro Saldanha Antonio Vasconcelos de 1988. Master
A sintaxe dos verbos volitivos do portugues
Vale, Maria de Abreu de Paulos do 1994. Master
An analysis of the marketing problems encountered by selected service business firms in Macau
Sousa, Cristina Maria Gloria 1994. Master
Analysis of management communication and employee job satisfaction in an organization : Department of Statistics and Census of Macau (Direccao dos Servicos de Estatistica e Censos de Macau (DSEC)
Ung, Lai In Vong, Peng Chun 1994. Master
An analysis of health services in Macau : resources used, cost and financing : from the perspective of health economics
Lai, Sio Kuan Nicolau, Isabel 1995. Master
A study into Chinese agriculture cooperative movement
Li, Hong Sheng 1995. Master
A unificacao nacional da China e o processo de transicao de Macau
Ho, Veng On 1996. Master
Analysis of flexible pavements for Macau conditions
Lei, Kuok Koi Subrahmanyam, M. S. 1996. Master
A intervencao do estado na economia
Roldao, Teresa Estrela 1996. Master
Total Results: 1260

Showing 1 to 10 of 1260 results