
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)

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Title Author Supervisor arrow_drop_down Issue Date Degree
Money laundering : an overview and case of Macau's gaming industry check Full Text
He, Xin Tao 2015. Master
Multidimensional similarity join using MapReduce check Full Text
Wang, Jian 2015. Master
Migration of controlling shareholders and firm value : evidence from China check Full Text
Shi, Sheng Ying 2020. Master
MAS(LIT) 000 (SAMPLE) Des, encontros entre o Oriente e o Ocidente : algumas achegas para o estudo dos movimentos simbolistas portugues e chines
Morais, Isabel Maria da Costa 1994. Master
Macau's tourism develpment in the eyes of local integrated resorts' employees check Full Text
Un, Weng Kuan 2021. Master
Macau no tempo de Bento Pereira de Faria, 2a metade do sec. XVII
Monteiro, Anabela Nunes 1998. Master
MBA(MS) 000 (SAMPLE) How CSR affects customer trust, brand image and behavioral loyalty? An empirical study in hotel industry
Lin, Xiao Qian 2017. Master
Meeting AML goals : promoting new technologies and expanding financial inclusion through proper coordination check Full Text
Madeira, Griselda de Natividade 2018. Master
Marketing for non-profit organizations : a case study of Macau Red Cross
So, Chou Ian 2001. Master
Marketing strategy of establishing a brand of cold & flu medicine in China OTC market
Kang, Li 2001. Master
Total Results: 350

Showing 331 to 340 of 350 results