
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)

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Title Author Supervisor arrow_drop_up Issue Date Degree
Study of confidentiality in international commercial argitration check Full Text
Chen, Zhen Zhen 魏丹 2015. Master
澳門競爭制度研究 : 從經濟體特徵角度分析 = The study on competition system of Macao : an analysis from the perspective of economic characteristics check Full Text
李傑 魏丹 2015. Master
Infringement and protection of Internet copyright in China check Full Text
Wei, Yan Mei 魏丹 2015. Master
國際商事仲裁中第三方資助的研究 = Research on third-party funding in international commercial arbitration check Full Text
楊舒淇 魏丹 2018. Master
論電子化一般合同條款的控制模式 = A study about control modes of general contract clauses in the E-contract
戎奇 魏丹 2012. Master
我國對外貿易中的技術性貿易措施 : 以中醫藥出口遭遇的技術性貿易措施為例 = The technical measures to trade in international trade : especially on the export of traditional Chinese medicine
熊暢 魏丹 2012. Master
The legal-economic relationship between Bretton Woods institutions and World Trade Organization in the modern era of globalization : the challenges and impacts for the developing countries
Junior, Manuel Guilherme 魏丹 2008. Master
Free trade and regional integration in a globalized world : the case of Southern Africa Development Community and its impact in Mozambique
Machava, Almeida Zacarias 魏丹 2008. Master
Analysis of Chinese bilateral investment treaties : focusing on provisions of performance requirements and national treatment
Ke, Jie Jing 魏丹 2011. Master
Mechanisms for protecting right of privacy and right to know of consumer in electronic commerce : a comparative analysis check Full Text
Tang, Yan Yan 魏丹 2014. Master
Total Results: 9994

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