
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)

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Title Author Supervisor arrow_drop_up Issue Date Degree
Hariti, from a demon mother to a protective deity in Buddhism : a history of an Indian pre-Buddhist goddess in Chinese Buddhist art
Hei, Rui 朱天舒 2010. Master
HPLC 聯用生物活性檢測篩選中藥抗氧化成分
李蘇穎 李紹平 2007. Master
Harry Taylor : a medical missionary in Anqing, China, 1905-1951 check Full Text
Zhong, Zhi Wei 王笛 2022 Master
Home-school partnership and Chinese parents' satisfaction of pre-school services : the role of childrearing beliefs check Full Text
Alexander, Cruchenda Rosetta 胡碧穎 2019. Master
Hospitalization cost analysis of COPD patients in Guangdong province check Full Text
Li, Meng 胡豪 2018. Master
Hepatoprotective properties of Penthorum chinense Pursh against carbon tetrachloride-induced liver injury check Full Text
Zhang, Xiao Jiao 萬建波 2017. Master
How can host states get better deals in oil and gas transnational investments? : lessons and challenges for Mozambique check Full Text
Rafael, Ângelo Patrício 魏丹 2022. Doctoral
Humanitarian intervention in international law : a study on the specific issue of the legality of unauthorized interventions
Lourenco, Filipa Delgado 2005. Master
How CSR affects customer trust, brand image and behavioral loyalty? An empirical study in hotel industry check Full Text
Lin, Xiao Qian 2017. Master
How does the R&D input and output influence the next year's financial performance of Huawei company? check Full Text
Li, Chen Xi 2020. Master
Total Results: 179

Showing 161 to 170 of 179 results