
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)

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Title Author Supervisor arrow_drop_up Issue Date Degree
Do crime de branqueamento de capitais : introducao e tipicidade
Godinho, Jorge A. F. Andrade, Manuel da Costa 1999. Master
Decision support system case base reasoning applied to pile foundation
Garanito, Laurinda Aguiar Gomes Babka, Otakar 1997. Master
Drug smuggling in China : evidence from Chinese sentencing documents check Full Text
Tang, Ruo Yang Cai, Tian Ji 2021. Doctoral
Driving under the influence of alcohol in Macau : frequency, periodicity and law enforcement check Full Text
Wang, Yu Qing Cai, Tian Ji 2021. Master
Deconstructing early maps of Macau (1557-1699) check Full Text
Ngai, Chon Long Cams, Mario 2019. Master
Developing human resource accounting to improve human resource management : a case study of practicing HRA in a Chinese state-owned-enterprise
Tang, Tang Chai, Lai Ping 2002. Master
Dynamics of Chinese-English code-switching on WeChat by Macao young bilinguals check Full Text
Yang, Yang Chan Hok Shing Brian 2018. Master
Design considerations and techniques for wideband continuous-time sigma-delta modulator check Full Text
Xing, Kai Chan, Chi Hang 2023. Doctoral
DFT design of 2D materials for multi-functional applications check Full Text
Geng, Jai Zhong Chan, Iat Neng 2022. Doctoral
Design of 2D electrocatalysts for catalytic reactions check Full Text
Ao, Kin Long Chan, Iat Neng 2022. Doctoral
Total Results: 420

Showing 1 to 10 of 420 results