
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)

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Title Author Supervisor Issue Date Degree arrow_drop_up
Home appliances control system incorporating wireless communication and power line
Tam, Wai Kei Chen, Wei Ji 2006. Master
Hybrid intelligent technology based fault diagnosis system for squirrel cage induction motor
Sekar, Booma Devi Dong, Ming Chui 2007. Master
Harmonic reduction and power factor correction in low power supply system
Chan, Weng Hong Chen, Wei Ji 2002. Master
Handling missing data problems in criminology : an introduction check Full Text
Wang, Xue 2016. Master
How high the salary should be for a clean government : the Chinese case
Zhao, Yang Chen, Yu 2014. Master
Human trafficking in ASEAN countries : governance at global and regional levels check Full Text
Choi, Weng Kei Song Weiqing 2015. Master
High-performance hybrid DC-DC converter
Hu, Ting Xu, Huang Mo 2024. Doctoral
Highly reversible Zn metal anode for aqueous Zn ion batteries
Xu, Zhu, Chen Shi 2024. Doctoral
High efficiency continuous-time sigma-delta modulator design considerations
Xu, Zi Xuan Zhu, Yan 2024. Doctoral
How metabolic diseases are involved in tumorigenesis : possible links between hyperglycemia and lung cancer check Full Text
Cao, Yi Wei Wong, Rui Hong 2017. Doctoral
Total Results: 178

Showing 131 to 140 of 178 results