
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)

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Title Author Supervisor Issue Date arrow_drop_up Degree
Design and analysis of an XYZ parallel flexure stage check Full Text
Zhang, Xiao Zhi Xu, Qing Song 2016. Master
Design and control of a variable automotive hydraulic damper using cuckoo search optimized PID method check Full Text
Chan, Kim Nam Wong, Pak Kin 2016. Master
Disparity maps extraction based on MRF method from an image sequence check Full Text
Lan, Jun 張立明 2016. Master
Does family background affect students' academic performance in Macau? : evidence from PISA 2012
Wong, Wai Keong 廖振華 2016. Master
Design of microstrip cross shaped bandpass filters with reconfigurable bandwidth and notch for wideband and ultra-wideband applications check Full Text
Teng, Cheng Tam, Kam Weng 2016. Master
Da oponibilidade do registo a terceiros adquirentes : coordenacao entre os direitos reais e o registo predial check Full Text
Lao, Chi Ieng Correia, Paula Nunes 2016. Master
Direito a privacidade em Macau : proteccao dos dados pessoais check Full Text
Cheong, Hio Chong Correia, Paula Nunes 2016. Master
Da uniao de facto : relevancia juridica para a responsabilidade por dividas
Tam, Hio Kuan Trigo, Manuel Marcelino Escovar 2016. Master
Design and control of an integrated KY DC-DC step-up converter under DCM operation check Full Text
Zeng, Wen Liang Lam, Chi Seng 2016. Master
Design, control and testing of a novel hybrid active air suspension system for automobiles check Full Text
趙靜 Wong, Pak Kin 2016. Doctoral
Total Results: 420

Showing 141 to 150 of 420 results