
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)

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Title Author Supervisor Issue Date Degree arrow_drop_down
Machine learning applied in non-intrusive load monitoring
Brito, Ricardo Hernâny dos Santos, Wong Man Chung 2024. Doctoral
Highly reversible Zn metal anode for aqueous Zn ion batteries
Xu, Zhu, Chen Shi 2024. Doctoral
Boosting efficiency of perovskite light-emitting diodes through compositional engineering
Yu, Xuan Chi, Xing Gui Chuan 2024. Doctoral
Fabrication and application of silk fibroin composites in flexible electronics and energy storage
Huo, Pei Xian, Sun Guo Xing 2024. Doctoral
Design of aqueous zinc ion battery with high energy density and long cycling life
Luo, Lei, Chen Shi 2024. Doctoral
Effective strategies for cathode and their mechanism towards long-life aqueous zinc ion batteries
Wang, Ke Xuan, Chen Shi 2024. Doctoral
Experimental and theoretical studies of ferroelectric materials for water splitting
An, Ke Yu, Wang Shuangpeng 2024. Doctoral
Stable halide perovskite nanostructures encapsulated in inert matrix
Lian, Zhen Dong, Ng Kar Wei 2024. Doctoral
Power reduction technique and nonlinearity calibration of input buffer based front-end circuit in ADC
Wei, Lai Zhu, Yan 2024. Doctoral
Reliable and efficient adversarial attack evaluation strategies for robust deep learning
Yu, Yun Rui, Xu Chengzhong 2024. Doctoral
Total Results: 10000

Showing 11 to 20 of 10000 results