
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)

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Title Author Supervisor Issue Date Degree arrow_drop_down
Money laundering control in Macau gaming industry
Jiang, Hua Godinho, Jorge A. F. 2010. Master
Marked adjacency pairs and English code-switched items : seven case studies of turn-by-turn conversation in Guess in Taiwan
Chang, Huan Hua Moody, Andrew Jackson 2013. Master
Macau durante a II Guerra Mundial : sociedade, educacao física e desporto
Braga, Isabel Maria Peixoto, Venancio Jose Carlos 1999. Master
Multi-collaborative filtering trust network for online recommendation systems
Wei, Chen Fong, Chi Chiu 2011. Master
Managing human resource development
Vong, Tze Ngai 2000. Master
Making of out-group stereotype : images of migrant laborers in Chinese newspapers
Luo, Le Chen, Huai Lin 2005. Master
Macau no tempo de Bento Pereira de Faria, 2a metade do sec. XVII
Monteiro, Anabela Nunes 1998. Master
Map-like Wikipedia visualization
Pang, Cheong Iao Biuk-Aghai, Robert P. 2011. Master
Modeling static and intertemporal import demands : the indirect production function approach check Full Text
Mao, Dong Dong Wong, Ka Kei 2012. Master
Macau 1960s-1990s technology upgrading in a toy manufacturer : a dynamic and interactive system of strategic management
Basto, Jorge R.S. 1995. Master
Total Results: 349

Showing 331 to 340 of 349 results