
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)

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Title Author Supervisor Issue Date arrow_drop_up Degree
Quality management : an exploratory study of the status and implications in overseas Chinese companies operating in Macau
Teixeira, Antonio 1994. Master
Quality management system - ISO 9000 : a case study of Securicor Macau
Ng, Jose Vong, Peng Chun 2003. Master
Quality dimensions in office software tools : a study in Chinese context
Liu, Yu Ling Wan, Guohua 2005. Master
Qualitative and quantitative studies on nucleotides of Ganoderma by HPLC-DAD-ESI-MS
Gao, Jian Li Yu, Zhi Ling 2005. Master
Quality of work life and life satisfaction
Vong, Man Ieng Wyatt, Thomas 2006. Master
Quantitative determination of six flavones and saponins in Radix Astragali by HPLC-ELSD
Hu, Guang Lee, Ming-Yuen 2006. Master
Qualitative and quantitative analysis of flavonoids in Epimedium
Chen, Xiao Jia 李紹平 2007. Master
Quality evaluation of natural and cultured Cordyceps check Full Text
Yang, Feng Qing 李紹平 2009. Doctoral
Quality evaluation of Salvia miltiorrhiza based on multiple components determined by twice development thin layer chromatography
Choi, Lei Lei 李紹平 2009. Master
Quality evaluation of Dendrobium species based on the analysis of multiple components check Full Text
Xu, Jun 李紹平 2010. Master
Total Results: 41

Showing 1 to 10 of 41 results