
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)

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Title Author Supervisor Issue Date arrow_drop_up Degree
Competitive analysis : a case study of the mobile telecommunication services industry in Hong Kong
Chiu, Wan Lan Nasol, Ramon Lino 2003. Master
Customer loyalty in the hotel industry
Chu, Cheok Mei Yuen Chun Yip 2003. Master
Customes' risk perceptions of EBPP (electronic bill presentment and payment) : a case study of telecommunication service in Macau
Ho, Pui I 2003 Master
Character development in the Harry Potter novels of J. K. Rowling
Chan, Mei Lan Kelen Christopher 2004. Master
Competitiveness of the Hong Kong stock market
Lam, Chan Wa Yeung, Hang Fai 2004. Master
Credit risk assessment in Macau
Patricio, Antonio Pires 2004. Master
Classification of risk for mortgage loans using discriminant analysis and neural network
Ho, Ka Seng 2004. Master
Chemical components and quality control of Rhizoma Curcumae orginated from three species of plants
Yang, Feng Qing 李紹平 2005. Master
Chemical analysis studies on the volatile components of Herba Pogostemonis
Hu, Lin Feng 王一濤 2005. Master
Cross-cultural communication in official travel brochures of Macao
Chan, Iut Va Simpson, Timothy Alan 2005. Master
Total Results: 545

Showing 31 to 40 of 545 results