
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)

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Title Author Supervisor Issue Date arrow_drop_up Degree
Amoghapāśa and Śiva
Zhang, Ye Jie 朱天舒 2022. Master
A systematic study of protein modifications in Aspergillus nidulans check Full Text
Dong, Zhi Qiang Wong, Koon Ho 2022. Doctoral
A construção da imagem da china por usuários do Twitter: discurso, interação e argumentação
Rangel Gomes da Silva, Marina Silva, Roberval Teixeira e 2022. Master
Analysis of economic policy uncertainty and air transport on tourism demand check Full Text
Kuok, U Kei Lim, Mei Lai 2023. Doctoral
Analyzing the resource waste in Ethereum blockchain system
Lao, Chon Kit Wang, Ye 2023. Master
A representação da mulher e da natureza em A Confissão da Leoa de Mia Couto : uma perspetiva ecofeminista
Yan, Jia Bao Carvalho, Manuela 2023. Master
Adaptive task scheduling and resource allocation for mobile edge computing system
Tan, Peng Cheng Wu, Yuan 2023. Master
Aqueous-phase photolysis of light-absorbing compounds and implications for the photochemistry in atmospheric aerosols
Wang, Ya Lin Li, Yong Jie 2023. Doctoral
Aquisição de artigos indefinidos em português língua segunda por estudantes chineses
Yi, Hong Yu 張靜 2023. Master
A level shifter with almost full positive dv/dt immunity for buck converters
Yang, Yun Zhe Huang, Mo 2023. Master
Total Results: 1216

Showing 1161 to 1170 of 1216 results