
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)

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Title arrow_drop_up Author Supervisor Issue Date Degree
PFAH(LING-E) 000 (SAMPLE) A corpus approach to assessing college students' development of intercultural communicative competence in a college English course in mainland China
Liu, Sui Ling Corbett John 2017. Doctoral
PFAH(LING-P) 000 (SAMPLE) Reparo como estratégia cooperativa na interação em sala de aula = Repair as cooperative strategy in classroom interaction
顏巧容 Silva, Roberval Teixeira e 2019. Doctoral
PFAH(LIT-C) 000 (SAMPLE) "毛詩正義" 詩學思想研究
何潔瑩 鄧國光 2019. Doctoral
PFAH(LIT-E) 000 (SAMPLE)The late eighteenth-century confluence of British-German sentimental literature: Goethe's absorption of Mackenzie's The Man of Feeling, and Jane Austen's parody of Goethe's Die Leiden des jungen Werthers as case studies
Jiang, Xiao Hu Gibson Matthew 2018. Doctoral
PFAH(LIT-P) 000 (SAMPLE) Esquema teórico sustentável da tradução jurídica bilíngue baseado num estudo sobre a tradução da legislação da acção social da região administrativa especial de Macau = Sustainable theoretical framework of bilingual legal translation based on a study on the translation of social welfare legislation of Macao special administrative region
Lu, Chi Seng Espadinha, Maria Antónia 2018. Doctoral
PFAH(PRS) 000 (SAMPLE) Practices of cultivation in the Zhuangzi
Le Jeune, Nicolas Moeller Hans-Georg 2019. Doctoral
PFBA(A) 000 (SAMPLE) The impact of social capital on accounting comparability / the impact of CEO overconfidence on the cost of equity capital
Lam, Mo Yuen Chun Yip 2019. Doctoral
PFBA(BA) 000 (SAMPLE) The impact of social capital on real earnings management, accounting conservatism and cost of debt
Lin, Xiao Jun Yuen Chun Yip 2019. Doctoral
PFBA(DIS) 000 (SAMPLE) Numerical methods for efficient design and analysis of control charts
Huang, Wen Po Shu, Lian Jie 2013. Doctoral
PFBA(DS) 000 (SAMPLE) Statistical monitoring of high-dimensional processes
Fan, Jin Yu Shu, Lian Jie 2018. Doctoral
Total Results: 406

Showing 101 to 110 of 406 results