
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)

Title Author Supervisor arrow_drop_up Issue Date Degree
鄔嘉慧 黃景波 2005. Master
譚敏珊 黃景波 2005. Master
鄭錫杰 黃景波 2005. Master
陸榮輝 黃榮金 2005. Master
蘇童作品的人文內涵及敍事分析 = Human intension and ways of narration of Sutong's work
宋菲 龔剛 2005. Master
花木蘭原型的叙事演變及其文化批評 = Culture criticism and narratice evolutionof Hua Mulan's archetype
陳宇 龔剛 2005. Master
Knowledge-based intelligent photoshot-to-translation system
Tam, Heng Wa 2005. Master
Enmity and hegemony in the normative processes of international constitutionalism : the case of the international legal action against terrorism
Cunha, Ricardo Sousa da 2005. Master
Perspectivas do novo poder orcamental em Macau
Amaral, Rui Pedro P. do 2005. Master
The roles and functions of information, communication and entertainment (ICE) in the service quality of an airport
Ho, Estela Maria 2005. Master

Showing 151 to 160 of 167 results