
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)



English Abstract

Background: At present, the education system of senior secondary schools in Macao is not uniform. Different secondary schools are using different curricula for their students. Hence, in the recruitment of Form 6 students, different tertiary institutions, like the University of Macau, the Macao Polytechnic Institute, the Institute for Tourism Studies and the Macao University of Science and Technology, have their own admission examinations. Also, Mainland China and Taiwan have well established tertiary admission systems for Macao students. Local students have to face with a variety of tertiary admission examinations in the pursuit of higher education. Aims: This study mainly aims at collecting Macao Form 6 students’ views on the admission system of higher education institutions. Targets: Local Form 6 students of the academic year 2003/2004; and the University of Macau, the Macao Polytechnic Institute, the Institute for Tourism Studies and the Macao University of Science and Technology. Research Methods: The methods of document analysis and postal questionnaire survey were employed. The survey instrument was piloted before being used for the main study to collect students' opinions on the admission system. Results: The education policies of the Macao SAR do have influenced the admission policies of local higher education institutions. On the whole, students inclined to have a uniform admission examination to be adopted by all local tertiary institutions. They have expressed views on the admission systems and the policies being used by the local tertiary institutions. Conclusions: Macao should establish a uniform admission examination for local Form 6 students. Higher Education Institutions need to review their present selection procedures and should provide students with more details on the admission exercises. They should also offer a more variety of programmes. The government of Macao SAR should increase the resources support for local students in their progression to tertiary education. Keywords: Admission Policy, Admission Examination, Uniform Examination, Uniform Admission Examination

Chinese Abstract

背景:目前澳門的教育制度以及各中學的教學大綱並不統一。澳門大學、澳門理工學院、旅遊學院及澳門科技大學均設立入學考試作為錄取澳門中六學生的主要途徑,而內地及台灣亦設有入學考試以供澳門六中學生報考其大學的學位課程。因此,目前澳門中六學生需要面對不同的考試以升讀高等教育課程。 目的:本研究主要是探討澳門中六學生對升學制度的意見。 研究對象:2003/2004學年的中六學生;澳門大學、澳門理工學院、旅遊學院及澳門科技大學。 研究方法:本研究探用了「文件分析」及郵寄問卷的方式,對所設定的研究問題找出答案。於調查研究法中利用問卷調查的方式了解學生對目前的升大入學制度的意見。 研究結果:澳門特別行政區的教育政策對澳門高等教育院校的入學政策有一定的影響。問卷調查的結果顯示,中六學生同意設立統一考試,並對目前高等教育院校的入學制度及入學政策提出了不同的意見。 總結:澳門應設立統一入學考試作爲中六學生升讀大學的途徑。澳門各高等教育院校應檢討目前的錄取程序及應更清晰地公佈各項入學的資料;增加開辦不同類型的課程;澳門特別行政區政府應增加更多資源以支持澳門中六學生升讀大學課程。 關鍵詞:入學政策、入學考試、統一考試、統一入學考試

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Faculty of Education




Universities and colleges -- Macau -- Admission

大專院校 -- 澳門 -- 取錄

Universities and colleges -- Macau -- Entrance examinations

大專院校 -- 澳門 -- 入學考試



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