
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)



English Abstract

Background: Recently, Macao has put much emphasis on the staff development of teachers. This is to improve the effectiveness of school education on one hand and to help teachers to handle their difficulties that they are facing. Among the many staff development measures, induction activities for new teachers should be valued. As a good start for new teachers has tremendous positive effect on their subsequent career, the Government or schools should comprehend their challenges and provide appropriate development activities for them. What are the main difficulties that new primary school teachers in Macao are facing? Do they have sufficient induction assistance? Is there a need to introduce a mentor system for them? Is mentoring system workable in Macao? All these are real concerns for us. Through this research study, the author endeavors to get a better understanding of the issue. Purpose: To investigate if mentoring system is helpful to new teachers and could assist them to adapt to their new environment, or even to enhance their enthusiasm in taking teaching as their career. Research object: Primary school teachers in Macao. Research method: This study has employed postal questionnaire survey method and supplemented with interviews of school teachers. Research result: New primary school teachers in Macao were heavily overloaded and psychologically not well prepared for the teaching profession. They have insufficient staff development activities to assist them for the new take up of their career. There is a need, and it is feasible, to introduce a mentoring system to alleviate their difficult situations. Conclusion: The Macao government and schools should provide new primary school teachers with appropriate induction programmes and counseling services and to introduce mentoring system as an induction staff development activity. Also, there is a need to select qualified and experienced teachers to be mentors for new teachers.

Chinese Abstract

背景:澳門近年對教師培訓越來越重視,除了為提升教育質素外,同時亦希望協助教師解決教育工作中的所遇到的困難。在眾多的教師培訓中,新入職教師的入職培訓亦應受到重視,因為對於新入職的小學教師來說,如果能在新入職初期得到優良的培訓,對日後的教育事業,定有正面的影響,教育界應瞭解他們的困難並提供合適的培訓。至於澳門新入職小學教師所面對的困難主要存在於哪一方面?他們的入職培訓又是否足夠?有需要引入師徒式輔導培訓去協助他們嗎?師徒式輔導培訓在澳門可行嗎?這些都是令人關注的,本文通過研究去取得更進一步的瞭解。 目的:探討師徒式輔導培訓對新入職教師是否有幫助,能否協助他們能較容易去適應身處的學校,其至增加對教育工作的熱誠。 研究對象:本次研究的對象以澳門小學教師為主。 研究方法:本次研究採用問卷及訪問調查研究法,及問卷使用前先進行測試,並作修改。分析了澳門新入職小學教師實行師徒式輔導培訓的可行性。 研究結果:通過研究,得知澳門新入職小學教師所面對的困難主要在於心理及工作量過多方面。而且,研究結果亦顯示了到澳門新入職小學教師的培訓是未足夠的;澳門小學引入有系統的師徒式輔導培訓新老師是有需要及可行的。 總結:澳門政府及學校應為教師提供協助,減輕他們的工作量;而在尚未落實師徒式輔導培訓前各亦可儘量先對新入職教師提供入職指引及心理輔導,另外,政府及各校應互相配合,盡快引入有系統的師徒式輔導培訓。並要嚴格挑選願意擔任師傅的有經驗老師。

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Faculty of Education




First year teachers -- Training of -- Macau

新入職教師 -- 職業培訓 -- 澳門

Primary school teachers -- Training of -- Macau

初級小學教師 -- 職業培訓 -- 澳門

First year teachers -- In-service training -- Macau

新入職教師 -- 在職培訓 -- 澳門

Primary school teachers -- In-service training -- Macau

初級小學教師 -- 在職培訓 -- 澳門



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