
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)

Title Author Supervisor arrow_drop_down Issue Date Degree
論現代性情感體驗的詩化顯現 : 以波德萊爾和戴望舒的情詩為例 = The poetic expression of affective experience of modernity : Baudelaire and Dai Wangshu's love poems as examples check Full Text
陶夢書 龔剛 2013. Master
論白先勇小說的古典性與現代性 = A study of the classicality and modernity of Bai Xianyong's fictions check Full Text
萬月 龔剛 2013. Master
以田野研究法探討住宿式書院的內地來澳大學新鮮人之生活適應 check Full Text
梁錦球 黃素君 2013. Master
魏倩 魏冰 2013. Master
Enhancing legal certainties on investor protection of China's Qualified Foreign Institutional Investor (QFII) regime check Full Text
Guo, Yong Yu 魏丹 2013. Master
The amelioration of online dispute resolution for business-to-consumer electronic commerce : from a consumer protection perspective
Tian, Ze Hua 魏丹 2013. Master
Coordination of international competition law under the framework of WTO : from the perspective of BRICS check Full Text
Wang, Yan 魏丹 2013. Master
澳門原有法律制度及原則對法院審判權所作限制之研究 = A study on the restrictions on the jurisdiction imposed by the legal system and principles previously in force in Macao
周挺 駱偉建 2013. Master
澳門初中學生學校歸屬感對學業成就之影響 : 以學業情緒為中介
林婉芳 陳薇文 2013. Master
內地大學生親職化與分離個體化之關係研究 check Full Text
季如 陳薇文 2013. Master

Showing 1 to 10 of 387 results