
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)



English Abstract

Lesson plan is the teaching blueprint carefully designed in advance that teacher could organize and develop their teaching activities. It has many important aspects on reaching teaching objectives, reflecting teaching ideas and so on. The purpose of this study was to examine the holistic quality of high school science lesson plan awarded in Macau through the Award Scheme on Instructional Design competition sponsored by Education and Youth Affairs Bureau. Wish the results of this study to provide some suggestions to Macau’s science teachers and promote the teachers’ professional development. By way of the literature review, the science lesson plan analysis instrument was sorted out. The science lesson plan analysis instrument was divided into four dimensions: (a) Alignment with endorsed practices, (b) Lesson Design and Implementation - Cognitive and Metacognitive Issues, (c) Lesson Design and Implementation - Sociocultural and Affective Issues, (d) Portrayal and Use of the Practices of Science. Content analysis was employed to analyze high school science lesson plans awarded in Macau from year 2006 to 2011. Results are the followings: (a) considering the four dimensions, these awarded lesson plans emphasize the most on the Lesson Design and Implementation – Cognitive and Metacognitive, then emphasize on the Alignment with endorsed practices, then emphasize on the Lesson Design and Implementation - Sociocultural and Affective Issues, the last is the Portrayal and Use of the Practices of Science, (b) the awarded lesson plans include three different disciplines, compared with the different disciplines such as biology, chemistry and physics, on the dimension of Alignment with endorsed practices, physics got the highest scores and biology got the lowest score, on the Lesson Design and Implementation - Cognitive and Metacognitive Issues, chemistry got the highest score and biology got the lowest score, on the Lesson Design and Implementation - Sociocultural and Affective Issues, chemistry and biology got the similar score and physics got the lowest score, on the Portrayal and Use of the Practices of Science, chemistry got the highest score, physics and biology got the similar score,(c) the awarded lesson plans had been divided into three levels, compared with the different awarded level , three levels from high to low have the same variation tendency on the four dimensions, and in the three levels, Lesson Design and Implementation – Cognitive and Metacognitive got the highest score, the second is Alignment with endorsed practices, the third is Lesson Design and Implementation - Sociocultural and Affective Issues, the lowest score is Portrayal and Use of the Practices of Science. (d) compared with the different awarded years lesson plans, on the Alignment with endorsed practices, the score of five years present a big different, especially year 2009-2010 has got the lowest score and year 2010-2011 has got the highest score, on the Lesson Design and Implementation – Cognitive and Metacognitive, the score tendency has a gradual decline from year 2006 to 2011, on the Lesson Design and Implementation - Sociocultural and Affective Issues, the score tendency has a gradual decline from year 2006 to 2010, but the score of last year 2010-2011 has been increased, on the Portrayal and Use of the Practices of Science, the score tendency has a gradual decline from year 2006 to 2009, but the score of last two years 2009-2011 has been increased.

Chinese Abstract

教學設計是教師為有效順利地組織和開展教學活動而預先精心設計的施 教藍圖,其對於教師在教學中達成教學目標,反思教學理念等許多方面都有很 重要作用。本研究旨在檢視由澳門育暨青年局組織的“教學設計獎勵計畫”中獲 獎的高中理科教學設計的設計品質,以期通過分析歸納後,能為澳門中學理科 教師的教學設計提供參考與借鑒,優化課堂教學品質,促進教師的專業發展。 本研究經文獻探討,依據理論和前人研究成果整理出理科教學設計的分析工具, 該分析工具主要從四個一級主題來分析理科教學設計,分別是:(1)一致性; (2)認知與元認知;(3)社會文化與情感;(4)科學描述與使用。文章採 用內容分析法,對 2006-2011 年五個學年度澳門獲獎的高中理科教學設計進行 了分析。研究結果發現:(1)澳門高中理科獲獎的教學設計的整體情況中, 最為強調的是「認知與元認知」主題,其次是「一致性」主題,再次是「社會 文化與情感」主題,相對較忽略的為「科學描述與使用」主題。(2)比較生 物、化學、物理三門不同學科的獲獎教學設計,在「一致性」主題方面,差異 性較大,物理學科得分百分比最高,而生物學科得分百分比最低。在「認知與 元認知」主題方面,化學學科得分百分比最高,而生物學科得分百分比最低。 在「社會文化與情感」主題方面,化學與生物學科的得分百分比相似,而物理 學科得分百分比較低。在「科學描述與使用」主題方面,化學學科得分百分比 最高,物理與生物學科的得分百分比相似;(3)比較優等、甲等、乙等三個 不同等級的獲獎的教學設計,在「一致性」、「認知與元認知」、「社會文化 與情感」、「科學描述與使用」四個主題方面,得分率基本呈直線下降趨勢, 三個等級的結果情況相符。在三個等級中,得分百分比最高的都是「認知與元 認知」主題,其次是「一致性」主題,再次是「社會文化與情感」主題,最後 是「科學描述與使用」;(4)比較 2006-2011 五個學年度的獲獎教學設計, 「一致性」主題方面,五個學年度的評分結果相對變化較大,其中 2009-2010 學年度的得分百分比最低,而 2010-2011 學年度得分百分比最高;「認知與元 認知」主題方面,得分百分比基本呈逐年下降趨勢;「社會文化與情感」主題 方面,在 2006-2010 四學個年度期間得分百分比基本呈逐年下降趨勢,但在 2010-2011 學年度,得分百分比有所提高;「科學描述與使用」主題方面, 2006-2009 三個學年度期間呈逐年下降趨勢,但在 2009-2011 兩學個年度有回 升趨勢,從總體趨勢來看,2009-2010 年這一學年度的四個主題都存在較大的 變化,但主要的變化趨勢還是「認知與元認知」主題的得分百分比在降低,而 其他三個主題都相對在提高。

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Faculty of Education




Science -- Study and teaching (Secondary) -- Macau

科學 -- 學習及教學 (高中) -- 澳門



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