
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)

Title Author Supervisor arrow_drop_up Issue Date Degree
曾綺華 鄭祖基 2008. Master
Agricultural productivity growth in chinese economy : a provincial panel data analysis after 1980
Zhuo, Shuai He 關峰 2008. Master
郭小燕 陳光中 2008. Master
Do hometown and gender similarity enahnce supportive peer relationship? : the interaction effect of cooperative goal
李子龍 陳家慧 2008. Master
Chemical studies on two traditional Chinese medicines-Eclipta prostrata and Corydalis yanhusuo
Shi, Jun Min 陳錫僑 2008. Master
趙奕 駱偉建 2008. Master
The legal-economic relationship between Bretton Woods institutions and World Trade Organization in the modern era of globalization : the challenges and impacts for the developing countries
Junior, Manuel Guilherme 魏丹 2008. Master
Free trade and regional integration in a globalized world : the case of Southern Africa Development Community and its impact in Mozambique
Machava, Almeida Zacarias 魏丹 2008. Master
吳娟 黃素君 2008. Master
梁瑞雯 黃鏡英 2008. Master

Showing 221 to 230 of 237 results