
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)


Free trade and regional integration in a globalized world : the case of Southern Africa Development Community and its impact in Mozambique

English Abstract

ABSTRACT The last decade has been testifying a change in the way of dealing with regional economic integration arrangements. Based on the Viner's approach about regional integration taking into account the trade creation and trade diversion effects, many analysts has been arguing that these arrangements impair the development of international trade, and therefore the process of globalisation, contributing to the increase of unfair competition between the actors in the multilateral trading system. In this work, analysing the regional integration taking into account the present wave of regional integration - new regionalism - presenting as the major features the legal or juridical integration as indispensable to a successful economic integration and the increasing and important participation of Developing Countries, we conclude that, although presenting some drawbacks that cannot be ignored, in general, the regional trading arrangements are building blocks of the process of globalisation since they can generate economic gains to the participating customs territories mainly to the Developing Countries and, therefore, contributing to these enter in the multilateral trade relations, that is, regional trading blocs play an important role in the multilateral trade as a complement of the process of globalisation. In this work we also analyse one of the last examples of regional integration arrangements - the SADC - which, although not in line with the features of the new regionalism given the absence of integrative techniques due the exclusion of legal integration in the process of integration introduced therein, clearly can contribute to the development of multilateral trading system as a whole and to the participating countries as Mozambique. In fact participating in all process of integration in the SADC region Mozambique can obtain many benefits that can contribute to the development of its economy and allow the alleviation of the poverty, increasing the living standards of its population as well as can contribute to its entry in the multilateral trading system and participation in the process of globalisation. Key words: Regional Integration, Globalisation, Multilateral Trading System, Principle of Non-Discrimination, MFN, SADC, Mozambique.

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Machava, Almeida Zacarias


Faculty of Law





Free trade -- Africa, Southern

Free trade -- Mozambique

Foreign trade regulation

Africa, Southern -- Economic integration

Mozambique -- Economic integration



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