
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)

Title arrow_drop_up Author Supervisor Issue Date Degree
蘇青小說的倫理敘事研究 = The study of moral (ethical) narration in Sui Qing's novels
盧添好 龔剛 2009. Master
蘇軾的茶酒詩研究 = The study of Su Shi's tea and wine poetry check Full Text
柯婧 鄧駿捷 2022. Master
蘇軾詩歌中燈燭意象研究 = The research on image of lamp and candle in Su Shi's poems check Full Text
黃灝奇 譚美玲 2023. Master
蘇軾文賦與佛學思想 : 以華嚴理事無礙觀念為重點 = Su Shi's prose and Buddhism : with a focus on the Huayan theory of non-obstruction between principle and phenomena check Full Text
容紫萊 賈晉華 2012. Master
蘇童作品的人文內涵及敍事分析 = Human intension and ways of narration of Sutong's work
宋菲 龔剛 2005. Master
訴權視角下刑事被害人的權利保障 = The protection of criminal victim's rights in perspective of right of action check Full Text
趙文靜 李哲 2015. Master
台灣保健食品的發展及未來展望 check Full Text
王苡蕙 王一濤 2015. Master
台灣大學生社會背景, 個人才情和專業選擇的關係
吳黃旭 張建成 2010. Master
台灣民主化與公務員政治中立 = Taiwan's demoratization and political neutrality of civil servants
林啟勝 余永逸 2008. Master
張長美 蕭揚輝 2005. Master

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