
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)

Title arrow_drop_up Author Supervisor Issue Date Degree
司馬遷 "史記" 儒禮初探 = A fundamental research of Sima Qian's Ruist Courtesy in Shiji check Full Text
張婉穎 鄧國光 2018. Master
私立高中EFL學生學習困難成因與相關學習經歷研究 check Full Text
盧軼 唐小為 2023. Master
私募股權投資中對賭協議的法律研究 = The research of valuation adjustment mechanism in privete equity check Full Text
鄧曉媛 范劍虹 2018. Master
四川省醫療保險異地結算政策評估 : 以自貢市為例 check Full Text
梁槿 蕭楊輝 2017. Master
宋代項羽形象接受研究 = A study on the reception of Xiang Yu's image in Song dynasty
袁曉梅 張月 2024. Master
宋代小說與道教關係研究 check Full Text
慎澤明 楊義 2020. Doctoral
宋前"天雨異物"現象研究 = A study on the phenomenon of "Strange Rain" before the Song dynasty
張馨予 鄧駿捷 2024. Master
宋元話本小說敘事技巧探微 = An analysis on Sung Yuan hua-pen story's narrative techniques check Full Text
曾嘉文 鄧駿捷 2016. Master
宋元話本小說中的道教元素探微 = Research on Taoism elements in SongYuan vernacular novel check Full Text
慎澤明 鄧駿捷 2016. Master
宋元明嶺南詞研究 check Full Text
李杰 楊義 2017. Doctoral

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