UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)
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- English Abstract
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The problem of youth crime has become more and more serious in Macao. According to related research, parenting styles have a profound influence on young people. Young people's self-image, self-value and self-esteem may vary according to different parenting styles adopted by their parents. The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between parents’parenting styles and children's self-esteem. The subject of this study was all the young offenders in The Youth Correctional Institution of Macao. Both ‘quality' and ‘quantity' are considered in this study method, including a‘Parenting Style Table’ and a ‘Self-attitude Table’. The information of a total of 66 valid samples was analyzed and 4 of the samples were chosen randomly for further case study. This paper firstly discusses the outlook of the parenting styles used by the young offenders' parents. Then it looks at the relationship between young offenders' personal factors (sex, order in the family and the number of children in the family), family factors (social and financial condition, family structure, subject perception of parents’marital relationship) and parenting styles. Furthermore, it investigates the relationship between parenting styles and the young offenders’ self-esteem. Based on the result of this study, a suggestion is made as a reference for teachers and the prevention of youth crime. The summary of the result of this study is as follow: 1. Most of the offenders’ parents adopt ‘neglecting’ parenting style and very few parents adopt ‘indulgent’ way. In fact, no father has ever adopted ‘indulgent' parenting style. 2. In the cases of both male and female offenders, most of the parents use ‘neglecting’ parenting style. 3. No matter the offenders are the eldest or the youngest in their family, most of their parents adopt ‘neglecting’parenting style. 4. In the cases of family with one child, two children and five or more children, most of the fathers adopt ‘neglecting’ parenting style, with the ‘five or more children' families contribute to the highest percentage. Families with five or more children also take up the largest percentage of the ‘authoritative’ parenting style. Most of the fathers adopt ‘authoritarian’ parenting style are those who have three or four children. Most of the mothers adopt ‘authoritative’ parenting style are those who have three or four children. Most of the mothers who adopt ‘indulgent’ parenting style are those who have only one single child. And for most mothers who adopt both ‘authoritarian’ and ‘neglecting’ parenting styles, they have usually have five or more children in the families. 5. Most of the fathers who adopt ‘authoritative' and ‘authoritarian’ parenting style are having a stepmother in the family. Most of the fathers who adopt ‘neglecting' parenting styles are in a ‘stepfather’ family. Most of the mothers who adopt ‘authoritative’and ‘authoritarian’ parenting styles are in a normal family. Most of the mothers who adopt ‘indulgent’ parenting styles are those in a ‘stepfather’ family. Most of the mothers who adopt ‘neglecting’ parenting styles are those in a ‘stepmother’ family. 6. When the social and financial condition of the family is in IV grade, most of the fathers adopt ‘authoritative’ parenting style; while the social and financial condition of the family is in V grade, most of the fathers adopt ‘authoritarian’ parenting style. In families with IV grade social and financial condition, most parents adopt ‘neglecting’ parenting style. Most of the mothers who adopt ‘authoritative’ and ‘indulgent’ parenting style are those in a family with IV grade social and financial condition. Mothers who adopt ‘authoritarian’ and ‘neglecting’ parenting styles are those with a V grade social and financial condition family. 7. In cases of neither satisfactory nor non-satisfactory parents’marital relationship, most of the fathers adopt ‘authoritative’ and ‘authoritarian’parenting styles; while in cases of non-satisfactory parents’marital relationship, most of the fathers adopt ‘neglecting’ parenting style. Mothers who adopt ‘authoritative’ parenting style are those having non-satisfactory marital relationship. In cases of having satisfactory parents’ marital relationship, most of the parents adopt ‘indulgent’ and ‘neglecting’ parenting styles; while in cases of having neither satisfactory nor non-satisfactory parents’ marital relationship, most of the parents adopt ‘authoritarian’ parenting style. 8. The difference in mother's parenting style, but not father's parenting style, has a significant influence on the offenders'self-esteem. 9. The case study has found out that the offenders are most offended to their parents' restriction and requirement over them.
- Chinese Abstract
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澳門青少年犯罪問題日盆嚴重,過往許多相關研究發現父母管教方式對子女有著深遠的影響,父母管教方式不同,子女之自我觀念、價値觀念、自尊等方式的發展亦因而不同。 本研究旨在探討父母管教方式與子女自尊感的關系,本研究選取澳門少年感化院全體院童作研究對象,運用了「量」與「質」的研究方法,包括採用「父母管教方式量表」及「自我態度量表」爲研究工具,對少年感化院院童進行了施測,就所得有效樣本66人之资料進行整理分析,並隨機選取4名院童進行個案研究。首先探討院童父母管教方式之概況。其次是探討院童之不同個人因素(性別、出生序、家中子女數目)及家庭因素(家庭社經地位、家庭結構型態、父母婚姻滿意度)與父母管教方式的關係。再者是探究父母管教方式與院童自尊感的關係。最後就研究結果擬定建議,以供親職教育及青少年犯罪防治之参考。歸納本研究之結果摘述如下: 一、院童父母以採用「忽視冷漠」之管教方式者最多,探用「寬鬆放任」者最少,且父親沒有任何人採用「寬鬆放任」的管教方式。 二、不論院童性別為何,父母均以採用「忽視冷漠」管教方式者最多。 三、不論院童出生序爲何,父母均以探用「忽視冷漠」管教方式者最多。 四、家中子女數目一個、二個及五個或以上,父親採用「忽視冷漠」管教方式的人最多,並以家中子女數目五個或以上院童的人數百分比佔最多;父親採取「開明權威」管教方式,亦以家中子女數目五個或以上的院童人數百分比佔最多;父親採取「專制權威」管教方式的人數百分比,以家中子女數目三至四個的院童佔最多。母親探取「開明權威」管教方式,以家中子女數目三至四個的院童人數百分比佔最多;母親採用「寬鬆放任」管教方式,以家中子女一個的院童人數百分比最多;母親探取「專制權威」管教方式的人數百分比,以家中子女數目五個的院童佔最多;母親探用「忽視冷漠」管教方式的人數百分比,以以家中子女數目五個的院童佔最多。 五、父親探用「開明權威」管教方式的人數百分比,以繼母家庭佔最多;父親探取「專制權威」管教方式的人數百分比,以繼母家庭佔最多;父親採取「忽觀冷漠」管教方式的人數百分比,以繼父家庭佔最多。母親採用「開明權威」管教方式的人數百分比,以雙親家庭佔最多;母親採取「寬鬆放任」管教方式的人數百分比,以繼父家庭佔最多;母親採取「專制權威」管教方式的人數百分比,以雙親家庭佔最多;母親採取「忽視冷漠」管教方式的人數百分比,以繼母家庭佔最多。 六、父親探用「開明權威」管教方式的人數百分比,以家庭社經地位屬第IV級者佔最多;父親採取「專制權威」的人数百分比,以家庭社經地位屬第V級者佔最多;探用「忽視冷漠」管教方式的人數百分比,以家庭社經地位屬第IV級者佔最多。母親採用「開明權威」及「寬鬆放任」管教方式的人數百分比,均以家庭社經地位屬第IV級者佔最多;母親採取「專制權威」及「忽視冷漠」兩種管教方式的人數百分比,均以家庭社經地位屬第V級者佔最多。 七、父親採用「開明權威」及「專制權威」管教方式的人數百分比,均以父母婚姻滿意度屬普通者佔最多;父親探取「忽視冷漠」管教方式的人數百分比,以父母婚姻滿意度屬不滿意者佔最多。母親採用「開明權威」管教方式的人數百分比,以父母婚姻滿意度屬不滿意者佔最多;探用「寬鬆放任」管教方式的人數百分比,以父母婚姻滿意度赝滿意者佔最多;採用「專制權威」管教方式的人數百分比,以父母婚姻滿意度屬普通者佔最多;採用「忽視冷漠」管教方式的人數百分比,以父母婚姻滿意度屬滿意者佔最多。 八、父母管教方式不同,對院童自尊感沒有顯著差異存在。母親管教方式不同,對院童自尊感具顯著差異存在。 九、透過個案研究發现,院童對父母要求及限制的強烈表现最感反抗。
- Issue date
- Author
- Faculty
Faculty of Education
- Degree
- Subject
Self-esteem in adolescence -- Macau
少年的自尊 -- 澳門
Juvenile delinquents -- Macau -- Mental health
兒童及少年罪犯 -- 澳門 -- 精神健康
Juvenile detention -- Macau
兒童及少年人被拘留或監禁 -- 澳門
Juvenile corrections -- Macau
青少年犯罪矯治 -- 澳門
Parenting -- Macau
父母教養子女 -- 澳門
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- 1/F Zone C
- Library URL
- 991000153689706306