
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)

Title arrow_drop_down Author Supervisor Issue Date Degree
臺靜農小說中的人文精神 = The humanism from the novels of Tai Ching-Nung check Full Text
李亨鴻 譚美玲 2014. Master
司馬遷 "史記, 司馬相如列傳" 及揚雄賦論勘議 = A comparison of the biography of Sima Xiangru in Sima Qian's Shiji with Yang Xiong on Fu criticism
黃耀岷 鄧國光 2014. Master
社區藥房藥師對藥事照護的觀點 : 澳門的問卷調查研究 check Full Text
周進傑 胡豪 2014. Master
山蒟化學成分的初步研究 / a preliminary chemical study on Piper hancei Maxim / by Lei Hai-peng. check Full Text
雷海鵬 趙靜 2014. Master
三七總皂苷對酒精性脂肪肝的保護作用研究 check Full Text
丁仁博 萬建波 2014. Master
熱帶靈芝的培養與優化 / Culture and optimization of Ganoderma tropicum / by Liu Ge. check Full Text
劉戈 李紹平 2014. Master
邱世友詞學業績研究 = An investigation of Qiu Shiyou and his achievement of Ci check Full Text
蘇偉基 鄧駿捷 2014. Master
票據保證人的責任與權利問題研究 = A research in relation to the responsibilities and rights of avalist check Full Text
鍾志偉 范劍虹 2014. Master
歐陽修散文風格研究 : 茅坤 "唐宋八大家文鈔" 本色義案說 = A Study of Ouyang Xiu's prose style : case study in the theory of true quality in the selected works by the eight great writers of the Tang and Song Dynasties by Mao Kun check Full Text
謝嘉茵 鄧國光 2014. Master
劉佳 何秋祥 2014. Master

Showing 421 to 430 of 507 results