
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)

Title Author Supervisor Issue Date Degree arrow_drop_down
香港普通話教學的理論思考 = Theoretical considerations about Putonghua teaching in Hong Kong
鄭重慶 鄧景濱 2000. Master
中國近代海關與19世紀80年代中葡修約談判 = A study on the Chinese customs and the 1880s Sino-Portuguese treaty negotiations
Kou, Wei 2000. Master
"紅樓夢"女性語言風格論 = A study of stylistics of female characters in Hong Lou Meng
董海敏 程祥徽 2000. Master
論蘩漪形象的典型性及其深層意蘊 = The typicalness and essense of the character Fan-Yi
譚炳棠 李觀鼎 2000. Master
O vocativo em Portugues, uma abordagem
Carvalho, Ana Sofia Abreu de 2000. Master
Concordancia e colocacao : o uso do adjectivo em portugues e chines e a sua didatica
Tan, Fei 2000. Master
"澳門記略"反映的澳門土生葡語面貌 = The facet of Portuguese dialect of Macau in "The Monograph of Macau"
胡慧明 程祥徽 2000. Master
梁披雲及其"雪廬詩稿"研究 = A study of Liang Pi-yun and his "Xue Lu Shi Gao"
鄭麗湘 施議對 2000. Master
Comparativas em portugues e em chines
Hui, Jiang Casteleiro João Malaca 2000. Master
哲人思智的形象化載體 : 論先秦寓言 = The objective indicator of philosophers' wisdoms : pre-Qin fables
殷長松 李觀鼎 2000. Master

Showing 31 to 40 of 89 results