
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)

Title Author Supervisor Issue Date Degree arrow_drop_up
Marketing continuing education at the University of Macau : the perception of programme planners and educational consumers check Full Text
Ho, Hoi Leng Liu, Ting Chi 2014. Master
The study on the acceptance and use of computer aided translation systems by Macao government translators check Full Text
Gao, Ming 2014. Master
司馬遷 "史記, 司馬相如列傳" 及揚雄賦論勘議 = A comparison of the biography of Sima Xiangru in Sima Qian's Shiji with Yang Xiong on Fu criticism
黃耀岷 鄧國光 2014. Master
論馬萬祺詩詞與澳門歷史 = Study on Ma Man Kei poems and Macau history check Full Text
謝瑜 龔剛 2014. Master
早期臺灣特有詞彙近三十年來對大陸詞彙的影響 = The influence of some vocabulary previously used only in Taiwan mandarin on the Mainland mandarin in the past 30 years
劉雯幸 徐杰 2014. Master
The lexical features in Macao weblogs : the usage of shortening and Chinese romanization check Full Text
Lei, Sok Ling Moody, Andrew Jackson 2014. Master
Emoting in public : the post-victory broadcast news interview in the London Olympic Games check Full Text
Han, Lu Zhen Montgomery, Martin 2014. Master
Female relationship in Clare Boothe's the Women and María Irene Fornés's Fefu and her friends check Full Text
Wang, Fang Hui Wong, Ka Ki 2014. Master
A study of code-switching in a grade eight English classroom in a Zhuhai's middle school check Full Text
Hu, Ming Zhu Kuong, Io Kei 2014. Master
The practicability of the usage of TM : a case study of informative text translation with SDL Trados Studio 2014 check Full Text
Xia, Dong Venkatesan Hari 2014. Master

Showing 91 to 100 of 507 results