
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)

Title Author Supervisor Issue Date arrow_drop_down Degree
飛霞山民張珍懷研究 check Full Text
燕鑫桐 施議對 2013. Master
A semantically-enriched e-tendering mechanism check Full Text
Chan, Ka Ieong Guo, Jing Zhi 2013. Master
不同粒徑熊果酸納米混懸液的製備、表徵和體外抗腫瘤活性評價 / Formulation development of Ursolic acid nanosuspensions with different particle sizes and in-vitro anti-cancer activity evaluations / Song Ju. check Full Text
宋菊 Zheng, Ying 2013. Master
蘆薈大黃素固體脂質納米粒的製備與體外抗腫瘤活性評價 / Preparation and anti-tumor evaluation of Aloe-emodin loaded solid lipid nanoparticles / Ruie Chen. check Full Text
陳銳娥 王一濤 2013. Master
Danshensu protects against 6-hydroxydopamine-induced damage of PC12 cells in vitro and dopaminergic neurons in zebrafish check Full Text
Zhou, Zhong Yan Lee, Ming-Yuen 2013. Master
中西醫的信念 : 對澳門與內地門診病人的調查 check Full Text
陳瑩 王一濤 2013. Master
Zhang, Nan 王一濤 2013. Master
下背疼痛患者對於針灸與物理療法治療選擇的就診偏好 check Full Text
何馨 鄭力仁 2013. Master
新疆維吾爾醫藥產業的現代化轉型 : 基於部門創新系統視角
馬志橋 王一濤 2013. Master
Design and implementation of intelligent digital microfluidics systems
Chen, Tian Lan Mak, Pui-In 2013. Master

Showing 31 to 40 of 387 results