
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)

Title Author Supervisor Issue Date arrow_drop_up Degree
A alienação fiduciária em garantia : um contrato típico socialmente atípico
Lourenço, José Augusto de Carvalho Monteiro, Antonio Pinto 2010. Master
Competition law from a global perspective : the case of multinational corporatons' self-regulating standards
Guo, Hua Neuwirth Rostam J. 2010. Master
論贈與合同的任意撤銷權 : 以我國現行《合同法》為視角 = Discussion on the revocation right at will of donation contract : from the angle of present Contract Law
王婉萍 唐曉晴 2010. Master
Bring the "Partnership and Cooperation Agreement" to new heights? : implications for the prospective EU-China PCA
Zhang, Jiao 曾令良 2010. Master
雙邊投資協定中保護傘條款的解釋適用之探折 : 兼論ICSID相關仲裁案例 = Reviewing the interpretation and application of umbrella clause in Bilatreral Investment Treaties : on the ICSID-related arbitration cases
吳思靜 魏丹 2010. Master
Is there a right to development? Challenges and international measures to enforce this right with a specific reference to the role of the WTO
Zhang, Yi He Ramaswamy Muruga Perumal 2010. Master
中國內地有限責任公司股東的退股與除名研究 = A study on shareholder's withdrawal and expulsion of the Chinese limited liability company
劉俐 范劍虹 2010. Master
陳藝康 張立明 2010. Master
澳門初中生數學自我效能、數學學業成就與學業求助之相關研究 check Full Text
張思君 施達明 2010. Master
公司經理權 : 性質及授權規則
王華崇 范劍虹 2010. Master

Showing 41 to 50 of 272 results