UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)
- Title
論贈與合同的任意撤銷權 : 以我國現行《合同法》為視角 = Discussion on the revocation right at will of donation contract : from the angle of present Contract Law
- English Abstract
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Discussion on the Revocation Right at Will of Donation Contract —— from the angle of present Contract Law ABSTRACT A donation contract is a typical contract without compensation, according to non-for-fit of the contract, all the nations' legislation set up special regulations. Our current Contract Law in accordance with provisions of article 186, donator could perform no-reason revocation before the contract, this is so-called donator's right of arbitrary revocation, But with disaster relief, poverty relief, etc., social welfare and moral obligations properties of donation contract or notary donation contract, it shall not be revoked arbitrarily. This reflects our encouraging and protection of the legislative intentions of that generous donator. However, any cancellation right of donator may arouse conflicts between donators and recipients' reliance interest, it may also coincide the legal right of revocation, poor occurred of the donators. Therefore, this article based on "first broken covenant followed after", superficially analysis the system about the arbitrary revocation of donator. Except for the outset and verdict. this thesis is composed of three parts, the digests are as follow: First part is about the historical origin of the arbitrary revocation of donators. In this part, the author inspects some examples of legislation, clearly illustrates the non-for- fit of this donation contract, and discusses the characteristics of the contract, and at the end of this part, the author analysis the reason of arbitrary revocation. The second part is declared from the aspect of performing of the arbitrary of revocation. In this part, the author illustrates from the angle of society effects in reliance interest. At the same time, it proposes the basis and boundary of responsibility of the reliance interest of donators, also helps to set up the system of
- Chinese Abstract
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論贈與合同的任意撤銷權——以我國現行《合同法》為视角 中文摘要 贈與合同是典型的無償合同,基於其無償性,各國立法往往對其作出特殊的規定。依我國現行《合同法》第一百八十六條之規定,贈與人於履行前得不附理由撤銷贈與合同,此即贈與人之任意撤銷權。惟具有救災、扶貧等社會公益、道德義務性質的贈與合同或經公證的贈與合同,則不得任意撤銷。這體現了我國鼓勵並保護善良贈與人之立法意圖。然而,贈與人的任意撤銷權卻可能與受贈人之信賴利益發生衝突,亦可能與贈與人本身所享有的法定撤銷權、窮困抗議權發生重合。因此,本文遵循先破後立的思路,欲對贈與人的任意撤銷制度作一番粗淺的探討。 本文除緒論、結語外,正文由三部分組成,摘要如下: 第一部分是贈與合同任意撤銷權存在之歷史考量。本部分考察了各國的立法例,闡明了贈與合同的無價性,並探討了贈與合同的性質,而分析了我國任意撤銷權制度存在之原因。 第二部分,爲任意撤銷權行使之考量因素。本部分以受贈人信賴利益之社會效率為切入點,提出了受贈人信賴利益担害賠償之责任基礎及範圍,並以效率觀點構建受贈人信賴利益保護制度。 第三部分,從我國的立法現狀出發,針對任意撤銷權與我國《合同法》第189條規定之衝突及適用闡明了觀點,並著重分析了我國現行立法中任意撤銷權、法定撤銷權、窮困抗辯權的適用情形以及發生重合時的法律適用。 關鍵字:贈與合同、任意撤銷權、信賴利益
- Issue date
- Author
- Faculty
Faculty of Law
- Degree
- Subject
Contracts -- China
合約 -- 中國
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- Location
- 1/F Zone C
- Library URL
- 991005409879706306