
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)

Title Author Supervisor Issue Date arrow_drop_up Degree
An examination of corporate governance in China : a case study approach
李瑾 Liu, Ming 2010. Master
A study of the core competencies of effective managers in the gaming industry of Macau
Leong, Wai Chong Kong, Siew Huat 2010. Master
澳門教育政策下的中等專業音樂教育 : 以澳門演藝學院音樂學校為例 check Full Text
周游 楊兆貴 2010. Master
Comparison of media frame in Mainland China, Hong Kong and U.S. on two "shoe-hurling" issues
Li, Wen Fei Chen, Huai Lin 2010. Master
Corporate social responsibility (CSR) disclosure in Chinese listed enterprises
Si Tou, Mio I Noronha, Carlos 2010. Master
An overview of internal auditors' independence in Macau : a compliance perspective
Lao, Carmen Maria Law Kin Fun 2010. Master
Impact of preschool language abilities and literacy activities inside school on later reading achievement : evidence from PIRLS with Hong Kong sample
Li, Xiao Min Lin, Sieh Hwa 2010. Master
論贈與合同的任意撤銷權 : 以我國現行《合同法》為視角 = Discussion on the revocation right at will of donation contract : from the angle of present Contract Law
王婉萍 唐曉晴 2010. Master
中國內地有限責任公司股東的退股與除名研究 = A study on shareholder's withdrawal and expulsion of the Chinese limited liability company
劉俐 范劍虹 2010. Master
試論浮動抵押與其他擔保權利的受償順序 = The priority of floating charge and other types of security interest
何夢菲 唐曉晴 2010. Master

Showing 241 to 250 of 272 results