
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)


中國內地有限責任公司股東的退股與除名研究 = A study on shareholder's withdrawal and expulsion of the Chinese limited liability company

English Abstract

[Abstract] The Limited Liability Company (LLC)has both the characteristics of person cooperation and assets joint, and the characteristic of person cooperation is most important reason for closed nature of LLC which will create a deadlock within the company. Because of the closed nature of LLC, the entire company may be "bound" by the individual shareholders and can not get out of the deadlock. The company may also become a "cage" which prevents other shareholders from escaping. In reality, this deadlock is embodied in the dispute of shareholder's withdrawal and expulsion of the Chinese LLC. However, with regard to the rules on shareholder's withdrawal and expulsion of the Chinese LLC, there are loopholes or even blanks in current Chinese legislations which can not satisfy the needs for the judicial resolution of such kind of disputes. Based on the study of theory and legislation about shareholder's withdrawal and expulsion of the Chinese LLC, the author is in attempt to make an analysis of how Chinese judges make up for the loopholes and blanks existed in the legislations. In so doing the author would like to undertake an effort to perfect the mechanism forshareholder's withdrawal and expulsion of the Chinese LLC. This Thesis is composed of the following five parts. Part I and Part V respectively are introduction and conclusion. The contents from Part II to Part IV are the main body of this thesis: Part l( Introduction): First of all, the author will use two cases to show the origin of problems on shareholder's withdrawal and expulsion of the Chinese LLC; After that, the author will show the significance and purpose of this thesis in light of Chinese practical needs; finally, the author will present her lines of reasonings . Part II: The author will study on the theories of shareholder's withdrawal and expulsion of Chinese LLC. Firstly, the theoretical basis of shareholder's withdrawal and expulsion of the Chinese LLC will also be discussed. The author mainly focus on five theories including the expected fall theory and the benefit balance theory. Secondly, the theories holding either negative or positive attitude toward shareholder's withdrawal and expulsion of the Chinese LLC will be put forward and based on the theories, the author will raise her own view of point. Thirdly, summarizes the present research of shareholder's withdrawal and expulsion of the Chinese LLC. Part III: The author studies on the problem of applicable law on shareholder's withdrawal and expulsion of the Chinese LLC. The study will cover relevant legislations and their legislative backgrounds. After that, the author will examine the existed problems in judicial practice. Part IV: This section is also the key part of this thesis. In this part, the author will make an analysis on judge-made law of shareholder's withdrawal and expulsion of the Chinese LLC. Firstly, the author will clarify the meanings and necessity of judge-made law. Secondly, under the two circumstances, respectively "the company regulation has already made the provision of shareholder's withdrawal /expulsion right" and "the company regulation has not yet made the provision of shareholder's withdrawal /expulsion right or the company regulation is unreasonable", the author will discuss how judges solved the problems by judge-made law, mainly including how to identify the effect of the company regulation about shareholder's withdrawal/expulsion right, substantive rules and procedure rules of shareholder's withdrawal/expulsion、 legal outcome and so on. Part V( Conclusion): On the one hand, the author will express her concern on the limits of judge-made law for the purpose of avoiding damages to the creditor's benefit because of shareholder's withdrawal and expulsion of the Chinese LLC. On the other hand, the author will look forward to formulation of Chinese relevant legislations and judicial interpretations to reduce the disadvantages of judge-made law" dose see the tree but doesn't see the forest". Key words: Withdrawal, Expulsion, Significant matter, Judge-made law

Chinese Abstract

中國内地有限責任公司股東的退股與除名研究 摘要 有限責任公司兼具資合性和人合性特點,而人合性特點正是引起有限責任公司閉鎖性的最重要的原因。有限責任公司的閉鎖性容易導致的公司内部困境。这些困境主要體現为:要麼整個公司因閉鎖而被“拥绑”在个别股東身上,眼睜睜受個別股東的拖累無法從僵局中脫身: 要麼公司因其閉鎖性而成為束缚被壓制股東的“牢籠”。 現實生活中,不断發生的有限責任公司股東退股與除名糾纷正是该矛盾的體現。但我國現行立法對有限責任公司股東退股與除名的規定卻存在法律漏洞,甚至是法律空白,難以適應及時解决相纠纷的司法實踐需要。筆者試圖在我國有限責任公司股東退股與除名之理論和立法研究的基礎上,重點探討法官現階段如何通過法律續造彌補該法律漏洞和空白,為完善我國有限責任公司股東的退股與除名制度贡献自己的綿薄之力。本文共分為五個部分,第一部分和第五部分分別是導言和結語,第二部分至第四部分為論文主醴部分,具體而言: 第一部分的導言,首先,通過兩個案例講述問题的由来: 然後,根據我國實踐需要,表明本文研究的意義和目的; 最後,提出筆者的研究思路。 第二部分為有限責任公司股東退股與除名的理論研究,一是,有限責任公司股東退股與除名的基礎,主要分析了期待權落空理論、利益衡平理論等五大理論;二是,中國内地有限責任公司股東退股與除名的否定說和肯定說,以及筆者觀點;三是,綜述中國内地有限責任公司股東退股與除名的研究現狀。 第三部分研究的是有限責任公司股東退股與除名的法律適用問题。筆者分別研究了中國内地有限責任公司股東退股與除名的相關立法及其立法背景,並結合司法實踐分析了兩者法律適用中存在的問題。 第四部分是研究法官在有限責任公司股東退股與除名法律適用中的續造,該部分也是本文的重點部分。筆者先對法官造法的含義和必要性进行了闡述,然後在“公司章程已對股東退股(除名)作出規定”和“公司章程未對股東退股(除名)作出規定或規定不合理”兩種情况下,分別探討法官如何通過法律造解决有限責任公司股東退股與除名纠纷,主要包括公司章程於退股(除名)約定的效力認定、股東退股(除名)的實體和程序規則、及其法律後果等题的研究。 第五部分的結語,一方面,強調了法官造法的限度,避免因股東退股或除名而損害到公司債權人的利益;另一方面,期待我國相立法和司法解释的出臺,減少法官造法“見樹不見林”的弊端。 關鍵字:退股,除名,重大事由,法官造法

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Faculty of Law




Stockholders -- Legal status, laws, etc. -- China

股東 -- 法律地位, 法規, 等 -- 中國

Corporate governance -- Law and legislation -- China

公司管理 -- 法規 -- 中國



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