
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)

Title Author Supervisor Issue Date arrow_drop_up Degree
Analysis on GMRES convergence and some results on spectral properties of preconditioned matrices
Wei, Wang Jin, Xiao Qing 2006. Master
Efficiency improvement of micro-mobility with intra-domain multicast-based mechanisms
Tang, U Fai Guo, Zhen Sheng 2006. Master
The Girsanov's Theorems and the Novikov's Conditions
Sam, Heng Long Ding, Deng 2006. Master
The framework of mobile device intelligent agent system
Ieong, Weng Pan Guo, Zhen Sheng 2006. Master
A study of sustaining competitive advantage of hotel industry in Fuzhou
Hou, Hui Qing Khong, Eva 2006. Master
The impacts of customer satisfaction and switching barrier on customer loyalty in the post-monopoly electricity supply industry
Leong, Wai Cheng Hong, Jacky 2006. Master
論動結式與使動用法的關系 : 從使動用法到動結式的演變軌迹 = The relationship between verbal complement construction and the use of causative : the evolving footprint from the use of causative to verbal complement construction
傅京 張聯榮 2006. Master
Foreignization and domestication in the light of the skopos theory : a case study on the C-E translation of Memories of Peking : South Side Stories (城南舊事)
Leong, Mei Yee Cai, Y. 2006. Master
上古漢語多音形貌詞研究 : 以"詩經"和"楚詞"為例 = The research on the multi-syllable XingMaoCi in Ancient Chinese : the case studies on "Poetry" and "Chu elegies"
李莉亞 張聯榮 2006. Master
"醒世姻緣傳" 稱謂語研究 = The research on the appellation of "Xingshi Yinyuan Zhuan"
王萌 張聯榮 2006. Master

Showing 91 to 100 of 190 results