UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)
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- English Abstract
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By investigating the senior high school students in Keang Peng School (Secondary Section), Macau, this research aims to: 1) understand the situation of students after ability grouping; 2) compare learing efficiency before and after ability grouping from the point of view of students; 3) investigate the issues on learning motivation and labeling from the students’ viewpoint; 4) give some suggestions based on the results of interviews and investigation for the future ability grouping system of Macau as well as the relative researches.. The samples of this research are 414 students from Keang Peng School (Secondary Section), Macau. They are either senior 2 or 3 students. The research instruments include questionnaires and structural interviewing. "Diagram of learning efficiency and attitude of ability grouping English classes" and"Diagram of learning efficiency and attitude of ability grouping Mathematics classes" are adopted in this survey. The result is analyzed with Reliability Analysis, and then by statistical methods including One-Sample T Test, Independent-Samples T Test and One-Way ANOVA, etc. The main results of the research are as follows: I. Overall. class division system brings positive effect to both learning efficiency and attitude when English learning and Mathematics learning are concerned II. Class division system brings positive effect to both learning efficiency and learning attitude on high-level classes when English learning and Mathematics learning are concerned. III. Class division system brings positive effect to both learning efficiency and learning attitude with regard to intermediate-level classes of English. IV. To low-level classes, class division system has no Significant effect to study efficiency concerning English and Mathematics learning while it is reported to have a negative effect on the learning of Mathematics. V. Students of low-level classes are highly different with reference to learning attitude. To be specific, low-level classes students with higher grades shows a better learning attitude after ability grouping, while students with lower grades show an opposite result. VI. A majority of students express that ability grouping can result in labeling effect to a slight degree. Based on the mentioned points, this study makes the following suggestions: A. Partial time ability grouping can be adopted for future ability grouping system in Macau. B. In order to improve the learning attitude of students of lower level, more communication should be established illustrating the reason of implementing ability grouping system. C. More students should be allowed to make their own choice with reference to choosing level classes. D. Provide lower-level classes with teachers who are good at establishing lively learning atmosphere or with more social workers in order to set up a more desirable leaning environment. It also helps minimizing the diversity of learning attitude between students with good school results and the ones with undesirable grades. E. Try to reduce the number of students in the classes of the lowest level when grouping. F. Rename the ability grouping classes to help solving labeling problem. G. Teachers should not asSigned to teach a certain level permanently in order to avoid labeling problem. H. Provide more free tutor classes to students of intermediate-level classes and low-level classes so that they can have the opportunity to learn more advanced materials.
- Chinese Abstract
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本研究通過對澳門鏡平中學的高中學生進行相關的調查與訪談,目的在於(1) 瞭解澳門高中學生實行能力分班後的實際情況;(2)透過學生觀點比較分班前後學生的學習效能是否有顯著差異;(3)透過學生觀點探討能力分班後學生的學習動機和標籤化等相關問題;(4)根據問卷調查和訪談後的結論,對澳門未來的走班制度和未來同類的研究提出相關的建議。本研究以澳門鏡平中學高二和高三兩級全部學生共414名爲研究樣本,研究方法包括問卷調查和結構式訪談法,工具有「英文走班學習效能和態度量表」,「數學走班學習效能和態度量表」,得到的數據先以信度分析(Reliability Analysis)進行題目可靠性之檢驗,再以One-Sample T Test、Independent-Samples T Test 與One-Way ANOVA等統計方法進行資料處理。 主要研究結果如下:一)整體上來看,無論是英文科,還是數學科,走班教學對學生的學習效能和學習態度兩個方面都有正面影響。 二)無論是英文科,還是數學科,走班教學對高程度班學生的學習效能和學習態度兩個方面都有正面影響。 三)走班教學對英文中程度班學生的學習效能和學習態度兩個方面都有正面影響。四)走班教學對低程度班學生,無論是數學科還是英文科,在學習效能方面影響不大,但在學習態度上,對數學科的低程度班學習有負面影響。 五)無論是英文科,還是數學科,低程度班學生在學習態度方面存在兩極分化,即低程度班高成績學生的學習態度較走班前好,但低程度班低成績學生的學習態度較走班前差。 六)大部分學生反映走班教學後有標籤化效應,但並不明顯。 在此基礎上,本研究提出了以下建議: 1 未來澳門在實施能力分班時,建議可以探納走班教學這種形式。 2 加強與學生的满通,使低程度班明白走班教學的用意,提升他們的學習態度。 3 給更多人自由選擇適合自己程度的班級。 4給低程度班安排一些能帶動氣氛的教師或增加社工輔導員,以提高低程度班學 習氣氛和減少低程度班高成績和低成績學生的學習態度的兩極分化問題。 5 走班教學時,儘可能減少補底班的人數。 6 轉化班級名稱,消除過度標籤化問題。 7 走班教學時,教師實行輪流制,減低標籤化效應。8 免費多加輔導課,使低中程度班的一些學生能夠有機會學到較難的知識,減少那些學生覺得因教得不足而導致其升學或就業受到影響。
- Issue date
- Author
- Faculty
Faculty of Education
- Degree
- Subject
Ability grouping in education -- Macau
教育中的能力分組 -- 澳門
High school students -- Macau
高中學生 -- 澳門
Educational psychology -- Macau
教育心理學 -- 澳門
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- Location
- 1/F Zone C
- Library URL
- 991000521199706306