
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)

Title Author Supervisor arrow_drop_down Issue Date Degree
O regime juridico da venda comercial no espaco OHADA (Organizacao para Harmonizacao do Direito dos Negocios em Africa) e a sua aplicacao no sistema juridico da Guine-Bissau
Oliveira Barai, Ludimila Samira de Mancuso Salvatore 2007. Master
Inventory positionin in a service network
Meng, Chen Liu, Xiao Ming 2007. Master
Virtual community as a public space : a case study on a Chinese study abroad BBS
Xiao, Han Liu Shih Diing 2007. Master
MBA(CB) 000 (SAMPLE) Study of cargo business in the airport company : a case of Beijing Capital Airport Group Corporation
Cen, Lu Lian, Zhao Tong 2007. Master
Study of cargo business in the airport company : a case of Beijing Capital Airport Group Corporation
Lu, Cen Lian, Zhao Tong 2007. Master
Modeling swarm intelligence and its applications in robotics and optimization
Chen, Xin Li, Yang Min 2007. Doctoral
The study on a Chinese calligraphy font generation
Lei, Sio Cheong Li, Xiao Shan 2007. Master
Contemporary Chinese readers' interpretation of Emily Bronte's Wuthering Heights
Zhou, Jian Lei, Lai Cheng 2007. Master
The proangiogenic effect of Radix Astragali extract and astragaloside IV in human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVEC)
Zhang, Yi Lee, Ming-Yuen 2007. Master
The proangiogenic effect of saponins from Panax notoginseng in human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVEC)
Hong, Si Jia Lee, Ming-Yuen 2007. Master

Showing 121 to 130 of 179 results