
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)

Title arrow_drop_up Author Supervisor Issue Date Degree
胡德鎏 蘇肖好 2000. Master
哲人思智的形象化載體 : 論先秦寓言 = The objective indicator of philosophers' wisdoms : pre-Qin fables
殷長松 李觀鼎 2000. Master
劉嘉菲 曹日新 2000. Master
中國近代海關與19世紀80年代中葡修約談判 = A study on the Chinese customs and the 1880s Sino-Portuguese treaty negotiations
Kou, Wei 2000. Master
中文聖歌集"心頌"、"頌恩"之語言風格初探 = The stylistic exploration of Chinese hymns in "Xin Song" and "Song En"
鄭寧人 程祥徽 2000. Master
尹偉儀 張國祥 2000. Master
官建新 陳毓祥 2000. Master
A convencao Europeia dos direitos do homem como fonte de direito comunitario : excurso sobre a jurisprudencia do Tribunal de Justica das Comunidades Europeias
Albuquerque, Joao Manuel Nunes Lemos de 2000. Master
A study of some Chinese e-commerce models
Wu, Xian Ce Wan, Guohua 2000. Master
A study of the judicature and legal system in the middle of the Qing Dynasty based on the legal cases from the Chinese documents in the National Archives of the Torre de Tombo
Liu, Jing Lian 2000. Master

Showing 21 to 30 of 89 results