
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)

Title arrow_drop_up Author Supervisor Issue Date Degree
論鄉鎮體制改革 : 中國農村行政改革的關鍵政策
劉一博 劉伯龍 2005. Master
論消費民事公益訴訟制度 : 以與葡萄牙民眾訴訟之比較為中心 = The system construction of civil public interest litigation in the protection of consumers' rights : compared with Portuguese popular action check Full Text
朱酉彤 Wang, Wei 2017. Master
論新媒介理論視野下的接受美學 : 以網絡文學為中心 = The reception aesthetics from the perspective of new media theories : network literature as a center check Full Text
王珺瓅 龔剛 2015. Master
論信息披露法律制度的完善 : 以美國、日本的經驗為視角 = A comparative perspective on the information disclosure system in China check Full Text
張志陽 汪超 2012. Master
論刑法空間之適用問題 : 網絡犯罪與移交制度的衝擊 = On the application of criminal law space : the impact of cybercrime and transfer system check Full Text
甄綺蓮 蘇建峰 2021. Master
論行政程序法典中的緊急程序條款 : 對我國行政程序立法的建議
唐瑤 駱偉建 2006. Master
論行政處罰罰款之繼受 = About the inheritance of fine of administrative penalties check Full Text
侯祥燕 蔣朝陽 2020. Master
論行政授權 = Administrative authorization check Full Text
李妙轉 蔣朝陽 2016. Master
論行政行為與行政訴訟受案範圍的關係 = On the relationship between the administrative act and the scope of accepting cases in administrative litigation check Full Text
李旭源 蔣朝陽 2018. Master
論行政執法裁量正義的實現 : 以選擇性執法為視角 = Achievement of discretion justice of administrative enforcement : in perspective of selective enforcement check Full Text
賈軼聞 蔣朝陽 2015. Master

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