
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)

Title Author Supervisor Issue Date Degree arrow_drop_down
非政府組織與女性就業創業 : 以楊浦區婦聯的實踐為例
王莉靜 何佩群 2004. Master
論公共企業的品牌戰略與政府關係 : 以上海航空股份有限公司為個案分析
周斌 孫關宏 2004. Master
Contemporary sociology of knowledge and social research
Liew, Yoo Kiang 1990. Master
The use of two codes in Hong Kong and Macao newspapers
Sio, Chung Yin Guthrie, William 2006. Master
澳門公務員聘用, 評核, 晋升及退休制度改革分析 : 附民政總署案例分析
劉如堅 蕭揚輝 2005. Master
The market value of Esprit Holdings Limited
Lam, Ka Lai Lam, Keith 2007. Master
陳彩霞 田秀蘭 2007. Master
Enmity and hegemony in the normative processes of international constitutionalism : the case of the international legal action against terrorism
Cunha, Ricardo Sousa da 2005. Master
Numerical study of stokes' second flow problem check Full Text
Wong, Ian Kai Sin, Vai Kuong 2011. Master
中學語文課堂教學話語新探 : 以兩岸四地 "同文異教" 為例 = An analysis of the Chinese language teaching in secondary classroom : use "the four areas with the text of the pagan" as an example
王鴻 邵朝陽 2011. Master

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