
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)

Title Author Supervisor Issue Date Degree arrow_drop_down
Multistandard-compliant and low-voltage analog-baseband techniques for wireless communication systems
Mak, Pui-In Martins, Rui Paulo 2006. Doctoral
Kinematics, dynamics and intelligent control for nonholonomic mobile modular manipulators
Liu, Yu Gang Li, Yang Min 2006. Doctoral
O feminino na literatura Macaense
Morais, Inácia Maria Paiva Martins de Espadinha, Maria Antónia 2006. Doctoral
A aspectualidade na traducao das frases do Chines para o Portugues
Leong, Cheok I Casteleiro João Malaca 2006. Doctoral
Study of defected ground structure and its application for microstrip bandpass filter design
Ho, Ka Meng Tam, Kam Weng 2006. Master
Portuguese-Chinese machine translation based on translation corresponding tree (TCT) annotation scheme
Tang, Chi Wai Li, Yi Ping 2006. Master
The semantic Web services framework for automating SOA-based systems
Cheong, Io Peng Guo, Zhen Sheng 2006. Master
An investigation of the usage of small scale furnace for fire resistance test
Leong, Iok Sam Tam, Lap Mou 2006. Master
Analysis and evaluation of soft-switching techniques for 3-phase 4-wire shunt power quality compensators
Zhan, Ming Hui Wong, Man Chung 2006. Master
Efficiency improvement of micro-mobility with intra-domain multicast-based mechanisms
Tang, U Fai Guo, Zhen Sheng 2006. Master

Showing 1 to 10 of 190 results