
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)

Title Author Supervisor Issue Date Degree arrow_drop_up
人格權上經濟價值的保護制度研究 : 以中, 美, 德法律比較為視角 = Research on the protection system of economic value in personality right : from the perspective of comparison between Chinese law, American law and German law check Full Text
張秋怡 范劍虹 2018. Master
MFLL 000Macau Law and Practice (SAMPLE) 澳門特別行政區公務人員聘任制度法律問題研究 = A study on the legal problems of the regime of recruitment of public servants in Macao Special Administrative Region
譚慧華 何志遠 2018. Master
Gender differences in Chinese hotel guests' coping strategies check Full Text
Lei, Sok I Lam, Chee Shiong 2018. Master
The current state of online food ordering platform in Macau : a case study of Aomi food delivery application check Full Text
Huang, Zi Zhen Tang, Mei Fung 2018. Master
A review on gambling motivation factors between Chinese and Western gamblers check Full Text
Leong, Cheng U 馮家超 2018. Master
Examining the collaborative effort of gaming concessionaires in community engagement in Macauy [sic] : the case of the "Macau Loves Locals" campaign check Full Text
Sam, Ka Fai Ho, Ying 2018. Master
Enhancing sustainable development in cultural tourism through experience co-creation : an empirical study of the old town of Lijiang, China check Full Text
Chen, Yi Min McCartney, Glenn 2018. Master
Analysis of Macao tourism demand check Full Text
Tang, Ya Ting Lim, Mei Lai 2018. Master
Perceptions of MGTO and C-trip websites : satisfaction amongst Chinese travelers check Full Text
Pi, Man Sha Tang, Mei Fung 2018. Master
An analysis of the impact of hotel green practices in Macao on guest decision-making check Full Text
Ieong, Ka Wa McCartney, Glenn 2018. Master

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